SMHO and partner logos

The Catholic Principals' Leadership Development | Ontario, Leadership en action and Principal Association Projects,  the service partners for Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario (CPCO), L'Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes (ADFO) and Ontario Principals' Council in partnership with School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) are continuing to develop resources based on the  MH LIT - Mental Health in Action courses. These resources, along with the course modules support principals and vice-principals in supporting student mental health. 

These resources will support principals and vice-principals as they 

  • deepen their understanding of student mental health

  • provide practical strategies

  • support the enhancement of classroom culture

  • align their work with the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) advisory related to student mental health

  • understand links between mental health and updated curriculum documents including Health and Physical Education and Mathematics and

  • build positive habits that create the foundation for long-lasting mental health and well-being.

If you would like to stay informed with School Mental Health Ontario information, research and resources, please subscribe

Professional Learning Network (PLN) Series

We are inviting administrators to a two-part PLN series. Participants will explore SMH-ON Cultural Humility Self-Reflection tool to support their reflection on an identity-affirming school mental health approach. When individual principals and vice-principals supporting students know themselves well, there is greater opportunity to build meaningful connections with students. 

Part One: April 19 - 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (EDT)

During this session, participants heard the stories of how practising administrators are using the SMH-ON Cultural Humility Self-Reflection tool to critically reflect on their leadership practice, explore and understand their identities and how who they are impacts their work. They will left with the opportunity of self-reflection as you complete the Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool for School Staff - School Mental Health Ontario.

Part Two: May 17 - 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. (EDT)

Participants are invited to share their experiences of using he Cultural Humility Self-Reflection Tool for School Staff - School Mental Health Ontario, personal goals and areas of growth. As a professional learning community (working in small groups), administrators will reflect and collaborate with each other. Some considerations might include possible next steps in using the Cultural Humility Self-Reflection tool with staff  and community members in providing  identity-affirming support to every student.

Part Two is open to all Members and it is not necessary to have participated in Part One.


2021-22 Resources

Podcast Series

Learn from some outstanding education leaders and practising associates. Each podcast in this series of three brings different perspectives and highlights how different School Mental Health Ontario resources have supported school leaders’ work. We hope this exchange of ideas helps you to build long-lasting mental health and well-being for students within your school. Enjoy the conversations.

Podcast 1: Beginning the Journey of Supporting Student Mental Health


Whether you are a new or an experienced administrator, you may be wondering, “Where do I start?”  or, “Who can I reach out to in supporting student mental health and well-being at my school?” This podcast focuses on the journeys of two practising principals sharing their perspectives in how they have worked closely with their mental health leads in creating a mentally healthy school.

Learn how your mental health lead can support you in school well-being goals as part of your school improvement plan or which School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) resources are best suited to your school’s needs. Learn about how these school leaders have intentionally used SMH-ON resources such as the Reflection Tool or practical classroom ready resources to build student mental health. You will leave the podcast with a sense of “I can do this and I am not alone. We can do this together in a team approach. I have the support of my school mental health lead and many SMH-ON resources.”

Podcast Panelists

Nazneen Dindar, Ontario Principals’ Council project lead and principal, Durham District School Board

Jennifer Harvey, Catholic Principals' Council | Ontario project lead and principal, Durham Catholic District School Board

Diane Mullane, mental health lead, Durham Catholic District School Board

Steffanie Pelleboer, mental health lead, Durham District School Board

SMH-ON Resources Referenced

Leading Mentally Healthy School Reflection Tool

Grab and Go Tools

Class Conversation Starters

Understanding Anti-Black Racism to Support Mental Health and Well-Being of Black and Racialized Students

Podcast 2: Continuing the Journey of Supporting Student Mental Health

Whether you are a new or an experienced administrator, you may be wondering, “How can my Mental Health Leads support the goals I have for my school?" or "What are some next steps I can take with supporting mental health with my community?" This podcast focuses on the journeys of two practising principals sharing their perspectives on how they have worked closely with their mental health leads in creating a mentally healthy school.

Hear how these school leaders are continuing their journey of creating mentally healthy schools and how they have intentionally used SMH-ON resources such as Classroom Conversation Starters and other practical classroom ready resources to build student mental health. As an administrator, learn about possible  School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) resources that might be best suited to meet  your school’s needs or how to work with your mental health lead to support you in developing your school well-being goals.  You will leave the podcast with a sense of “I can do this and I am not alone. We can do this together in a team approach. I have the support of my school mental health lead and many SMH-ON resources.”

Podcast Panelists

Gwenyth Le-Phuong, mental health lead, Waterloo Region District School Board

Mac MacPherson, principal, Wellington Catholic District School Board

Sharlene McHolm, principal, Waterloo Region District School Board

SMH-ON Resources Referenced

Supporting Mentally Healthy Conversations About Anti-Black Racism with Students

Education Resource Guide

The First 10 days (and Beyond)

Student Mental Health Action Kit

Mentally healthy Schools and Classrooms

Virtual Field Trips

Podcast 3: Still on The Journey of Supporting Student Mental Health

Whether you are a new or an experienced administrator, you may be wondering, “How can I continue to build my capacity as a leader in leading mentally healthy schools?" or "How can I build a team and partner with others, so I don’t have to do it alone?” This podcast focuses on the journeys of two practising administrators from different communities in Ontario who share their perspectives and leadership moves on how they have built their capacity as leaders and worked collaboratively with others in leading a mentally healthy school.


Hear how these school leaders continue their journey of creating mentally healthy schools and how they have intentionally used SMH-ON resources such as the Reflection Tool for School Leaders, the Aligned and Integrated Model (AIM), Start Well, and the MH Lit Online Courses for School Leaders and Educators so that all students benefit from good mental health promotion. Learn how they built a team by partnering with others such as their Mental Health Lead, school staff, or community partners to determine their leadership moves in developing their School Improvement Plan with a focus on student well-being and mental health. You will leave the podcast with a sense of “There are many SMH-ON resources to support me.” or “I don’t have to know it all.” and “The key to success is using a team approach in building a mentally healthy school.”


Tracy Lindstrom, vice-principal, Keewatin Patricia District School Board

Melissa Daddabbo, principal, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board

SMH-ON Resources Referenced

Leading Mentally Healthy Schools Reflection Tool

Reflection Tool for Educators

Noticing Mental Health Concerns for your Child

Tip Sheet for Staff to Support Positive Mental Health

Practical Resources to Support Students Mental Health During a Pandemic

Mental Health in Action Course for Educators

Mental Health in Action Course for School Leaders


Podcast available in May 2022

Webinar and Professional Learning Networks

Refocusing on Student Mental Health Webinar - January 25, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. EST

As a leader, how do you build a Mentally Healthy School in Tier 1? Administrators from across the province will share stories on how they are building a Mentally Healthy School. Join us for this free 60-minute webinar!

Please note that learning about mental health and well-being promotion during a global pandemic is both challenging and necessary. Caring for ourselves is more important than it has ever been. It’s important that we do this learning in a manner that is safe for everyone attending the webinar. Take a moment to reflect on if this is the right time for you to engage in this learning.



SMH-ON Resources referenced in this webinar:

Social-emotional Learning Supports Mental Health Through Life

Reflection Tool for Educators

Reflection Tool for P/VPs and SOs

Class Conversation Starters 

School Mental Health Decision Support Tool: Awareness Initiatives for School Administrators

Self-care 101

Reaching Out

Supporting Mentally Healthy 

Conversations About Anti-Black Racism with Students

Listen Believe Act

Mental Health and Well-Being in School Improvement Planning

Take Care of Yourself Tip Sheet


Additional Resources:

- access Starling Minds through your association and/or

- seek assistance through your board approved Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider.

Professional Learning Network #1

Supporting Student Mental Health: Where do I start?

As a principal or vice-principal leading in the pandemic, you play a key role in establishing foundations for quality, consistency and sustainability in school mental health. School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) offers evidence-based information and resources relevant to your role, and the role of educators, students and families.

75-minute virtual Professional Learning Network (PLN) to support planning for the school year. Participants learned about what  provincial colleagues are doing to support students and how SMH-ON can support their leadership.

Offered on October 19.


Professional Learning Network #2

Collaborating to Support Student Mental Health

As a principal or vice-principal leading in this Pandemic and wanting to lead with a focus on student mental health, where do you find the time, energy and resources to lead effectively? Be part of a 75-minute virtual working Professional Learning Network (PLN) and join with provincial colleagues to support you in lightening your leadership load in using School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) resources and building a mentally healthy school. You will have an opportunity to explore one of the following discussions:

•How to work with your Mental Health Lead and where do I start?

•How do you incorporate mental health into your School Improvement Plan (SIP)?

•How do you consider equity when supporting students’ mental health?   

Offered on March 29. 

2020-2021 Resources

Webinar Series

In 2021, we offered a series of 60-minute interactive webinar sessions.

Webinar 1: Mental Health and the Tiered Approach to Support All Students

This webinar introduces Mental Health Literacy through the lens of a school leader. Participants will learn about the school leaders' role in supporting mental health and will develop an understanding of the importance of creating the conditions that enable mental health and well-being to thrive. Together, we will explore the AIM model of support and intervention and learn how to think in tiers to effectively design and monitor mental health services for your school. Participants will become familiar with resources designed by SMH-ON to support continuous learning and improvement in mental health and well-being in your school. The webinar will be interactive, engaging participants in activities that focus on “where to start” with the implementation of social emotional learning.

January 26, 2021

Resource Package 




Recording with closed captioning:


Webinar 2: Understanding a Whole School Approach to Culturally Responsive Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

This webinar engages participants to  explore the benefits of developing  conditions for culturally responsive SEL in daily practice. Participants will learn about 6 categories of SEL, and explore strategies to build staff capacity and ownership for a whole school approach to culturally responsive SEL practices. The webinar will be interactive, engaging participants in activities that focus on curriculum connections to SEL, how to teach SEL, and deepening our understanding of school wide commitment to SEL. School leaders will be led through the new Social Emotional Learning in Action tool which is a reflection guide that helps you take the pulse of what’s going on in your school.

February 16, 2021

Resource Package




Recording with closed captioning (CPCO version):


Webinar 3: Supporting Students Experiencing Mental Health Concerns: Noticing and responding

This webinar explores resources for principals to support students struggling with a mental health concern. Together, we will learn about the circle of support and will examine how the principal, as a member of the circle, supports the student. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to access additional support for a student struggling with a mental health problem.  Strategies to talk with parents, as well as  a multitude of SMH-ON resources that are available to assist school leaders will  be shared. The webinar will be interactive, engaging participants in activities that focus on equity considerations, inviting reflection on your school and your leadership moves, zeroing in on ways to build partnerships with parents and deciding on actionable next steps for your school community.

March 25, 2021

Resource Package




Recording with closed captioning:

Podcast Series

Creating Conditions for Leading Mentally Healthy Schools

Through conversations between practising school leaders, a mental health leader and a School Mental Health Ontario Leader, our podcasts will provide listeners practical strategies, examples and information on:

  • Creating a Mentally Healthy School and Classroom Environment

  • Understanding the Aligned & Integrated Model (AIM), especially Tier 1 Elements (welcome, include, understand, promote, partner)

  • Creating Positive Spaces by Enhancing Student Voice 

  • Organizational Conditions at School Community Level

  • School Improvement Planning with Social Emotional Learning

Evaluation Form

Building Confidence and Skill in How to Notice and Listen: Supporting student mental health

Through conversations between practising school leaders, a mental health leader and a School Mental Health Ontario clinician, our podcasts will provide listeners practical strategies, examples and information on

  • What to Look For on Common Mental Health Issues

  • Preparing Staff to Notice Mental Health Concerns in Students and

  • Effective Supports and Processes for Supporting Students with Mental Health Concerns.

Links to resources and tutorials for more information will be shared in addition to student profiles, voice, choice, engagement and grade specific Social Emotional Learning and Health and Physical Education (HPE) Curriculum.

Evaluation Form

Whiteboard Animation

Supporting Student Mental Health: A decision support tool for school leaders

Without Captions:

With Captions:


Through this whiteboard animation, you will receive a guide to the School Mental Health Decision Support Tool: Student Mental Health Awareness Initiatives – Version for School Administrators. This resource was developed to support school decision making related to mental health awareness and promotion products, speakers, and services. Its goal is to aid alignment with the board and school mental health strategy and action plans when choosing resources.


Evaluation Form


Learn how your mental health lead can support you in developing school well-being goals as part of your school improvement plan or which School Mental Health Ontario (SMH-ON) resources are best suited to your school’s needs. Learn about how these school leaders have intentionally used SMH-ON resources such as the Reflection Tool or practical classroom ready resources to build student mental health. You will leave the podcast with a sense of “I can do this and I am not alone. We can do this together in a team approach. I have the support of my school mental health lead and many SMH-ON resources.”