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Equity and Inclusive Education
Leading the Inclusive School: Part Two - Culturally Responsive and Relevant Leadership

Through the lens of equity, the principal must lead by providing a vision of what an equitable school looks like in several dimensions: school climate, curriculum, language, assessment and evaluation, etc. You will learn to compare current practice to the desired vision and direct efforts to areas requiring improvement. Theoretical aspects of culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy and multiple intelligences will merge with practical applications.

Reflective Questions

  1. What practices in your school convey the message that every single student has opportunities to be successful? How might these be augmented?
  2. How do students with same-sex parents, or who are gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual see themselves represented in the curriculum and in the everyday life of the school? Address this question for students who are differentlyabled as well.
  3. Create a chart using the Centre for Urban Schooling's strategies for inclusive leadership discussed by Nicole West-Burns. On one side, provide examples of success in these areas. On the other side, suggest ways to better reflect these strategies in your school community.
StrategyExample of SuccessSuggestion for Improvement
Curriculum and Classroom Climate
School Climate
Parent/ Caregiver and Community Relations
Student Voice and Space
Professional Development