There are several meeting spaces, with multiple configurations available to education partners for rent at the OPC office in Toronto. Please see below for full information. Contact OPC Corporate Services for rental inquiries and reservations or complete the online rental form.

Rooms can be rented during OPC office hours between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm on weekdays, subject to availability. All rooms are suitable for hybrid meetings through Zoom, Teams, or Google Workspace accounts.

 Eligible reservations

 Meeting space is made available to the OPC's education partners, including

  • Local OPC districts
  • OPC Member groups
  • Other Cadillac Fairview tenants
  • Public school boards
 Available Rooms
 Large Training Room

Suitable for large groups of up to 60 depending on the seating style, this room has a projector and two large screens and can be arrange with several different seating and table configurations. The base rate is $500.00 per day + HST and half days (up to 3 hours) at $300.00 + HST.

 Board Room
Suitable for medium groups of up to 20, this room has a large screen, dedicated audio/visual system, and conference call capabilities. A long boardroom-style table facilitates group conversation. The base rate is $300.00 per day + HST and half days (up to 3 hours) at $180.00 + HST.
 Rental Information and Forms

The OPC is a Rainbow Registered organization supporting 2SLGBTQQIA+ spaces and communities.

Rainbow Registered logo: a trio of concentric black arches standing over a bar of rainbow-coloured squares of the Progress Pride flag