Module 1: The Personal Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board
Leading through a Stance of Equity and Diversity Harjit Aujla

Associate Director - Peel DSB

Courageous Conversations Mark Loya Superintendent of Human Resources – Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
Personal/Professional Resources (Lumina Leader 360) Peter Marshall

Facilitator - Lumina Canada

Acts and Regulations Njeri Sojourner Campbell

Lawyer - Hicks-Morley

What it means to be a Supervisory Officer today? Kari Bryant Superintendent of Education - Greater Essex DSB
What it means to be a Supervisory Officer today? Claudine Scuccato Superintendent of Special Education - Peel DSB
What it means to be a Supervisory Officer today? Michelle Newlands Superintendent of Education - Waterloo Region DSB
Developing Relationships with School District Staff Linda Nicholls

Associate Director - Thames Valley DSB

Personal Skills required when working with 

Indigenous Communities   

Tanya Senk System Superintendent of Indigenous Education - Toronto DSB
The Role of Supervisory Officers in Supporting Principals Susie Lee-Fernandes Director of Professional Learning and Engagement - OPC
The Role of Supervisory Officers in Supporting Principals Nancy Brady

Protective Services Consultant – OPC 

Module 2: Leadership and Organizational Change Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board
The role of the Superintendent in Supporting Student Achievement Erin Altosaar Superintendent of Education – Toronto DSB
Labour Relations, Employment Standards Act, Collective Agreements Andrew Gold Director of Labor Relations – Ministry of Education
Organizational Change: Listening and Hearing Your Community Lisa Hart

Superintendent of Education – Peel DSB

Leading and Managing Change Brent McDonald Executive Superintendent – Upper Grand DSB
Equity, Inclusivity and Human Rights Matthew Webbe Superintendent of Education – Simcoe County DSB
Working with Indigenous Communities Crissa Hill

Superintendent of Education - Waterloo Region DSB

Employee Relations, Investigations, Collective Agreements Sari Taha

Superintendent of Human Resources – Halton DSB

Equitable Hiring Practices Michelle Lawrence

Senior Manager – Toronto DSB

Equitable Hiring Practices Sam Venneri

Human Resources Manager – Toronto DSB

Module 3: The Provincial Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board
Provincial Perspective on Special Education Clayton La Touche Ministry of Education
The Ontario Ombudsman and School Boards Robin Bates

Senior Counsel – Ontario Ombudsman’s Office

Provincial Funding Matthew Gerard Associate Director – Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
Supporting Indigenous Communities Ian McCallum

Education Officer – Ministry of Education

Managing Legal Issues related to Human Rights   Carol Dey

Superintendent of Education – Waterloo Region DSB

Supporting Student Mental Health and Well-Being Teresa Kennedy

Co-Director – School Mental Health Ontario

Internet, Privacy, MFIPPA, AI, Social Media Considerations Sari Taha

Superintendent of Human Resources – Halton DSB

Internet, Privacy, MFIPPA, AI, Social Media Considerations Jonathan Shoss

Superintendent of IT – Halton DSB

Module 4: The System Perspective
Topic Guest Speaker Role/Board
The SO Experience: Recently Appointed Superintendents Kervin White

Superintendent of Education – Peel DSB

The SO Experience: Recently Appointed Superintendents Joe Bell

Superintendent of Education – Greater Essex DSB

The SO Experience: Recently Appointed Superintendents Elizabeth Lau Superintendent of Education – York Region DSB
Strategic Planning and Implementation Scott Miller

Associate Director – Waterloo Region DSB

Strategic Planning and Implementation Dana Liebermann

Executive Manager of Research – Waterloo Region DSB

Operationalizing Ontario’s Equity Education Action Plan Crissa Hill

Superintendent of Education – Waterloo Region DSB

Utilizing Student Census Data Heather Sears Superintendent of Education - York Region DSB
Building a Vision and Supporting Indigenous students and community Heather Harris

Superintendent of Education – Lakehead DSB

Relationships between Trustees and Supervisory Officers John Dance Director of Education – Simcoe County DSB
Relationships between Trustees and Supervisory Officers               Jodi Lloyd Chair – Simcoe County DSB
The Role of Trustees and Governance      Denise Joseph-Dowers Governance Senior Manager – Toronto DSB
Communications and Media Relations for Superintendents Christina Choo-Humm Manager of Communications – York Region DSB
Communications and Media Relations for Superintendents Ryan Bird Public Relations Executive Officer – Toronto DSB