The Catholic Principals' Leadership Development | Ontario, Leadership en Action and Principal Association Projects, the service partners for Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario (CPCO)L'Association des directions et directions adjointes des écoles franco-ontariennes (ADFO) and the Ontario Principals' Council are collaborating on the three-year Special Education for School Leaders Project, supported by the Ministry of Education.

Aspiring and positional leaders need to lead in culturally responsive ways in order to reduce barriers to student success –  this is especially true for students with special needs. The moral imperative is to lead so that schools, K-12, are characterized by anti-oppressive and anti-colonial environments, accessibility and inclusion, and participation. 

Subsidy Overview 

To build leadership capacity for school leaders in meeting the needs of all students, a limited number of subsidies for select Additional Qualification (AQ) Programs are now available to eligible candidates for successfully completing program requirements through their respective association, as part of this three-year project. 

Eligibility for all Subsides

  • The candidate will need to 

    • complete a form and receive pre-approval 

    • commit to focusing any practicum, reflection or extra assignment on special education and leadership and 

    • complete a follow-up survey regarding the experience and resulting impact, once they have successfully completed the course.

  • The AQ must be offered by one of the principal associations: ADFO, CPCO or the OPC.

  • The candidate must meet all of the identified eligibility criteria for the AQ that is identified as part of this project (below).

  • The subsidy process will not impact the OCT recommendation requirements and submission.

Program Participation

Each AQ has different participation dates! Pre-approvals will be granted only to applicants of applicable modules/session cohorts (see below for specific details related to each program): 

  • PDC modules with a start date of January 27, 2025 or prior are eligible for this subsidy. Modules past this date are not eligible. 
  • PQP Part-1 candidates who registered with OPC for the program offered Summer 2022 to Fall 2024 (inclusive) are eligible for this subsidy. Candidates registering for Spring 2025 are not eligible.
  • SEAQP is no longer accepting new subsidy applications (October 15 update).

Subsidy Criteria and Application Process by Program

Please read the subsidy criteria information and the information specific to the program of interest.

Subsidy Criteria Applicable to all Programs

A limited number of subsidies for selected Additional Qualification (AQ) Program subsidies are now available to eligible candidates who have successfully completed Professional’s Development Course (PDC) modules or Principal’s Qualification Program (PQP) that includes a specific focus on anti-oppressive and anti-colonial environments, accessibility and inclusion and full participation for students with special education needs.

Subsidy participants will be required to submit a reflection for each subsidy request.

The reflection criteria below provides some guiding questions to help with your submission. Please note you do not need to address every question within each area. 

Participants are encouraged to think about the intersectionality of special education and the four areas and perhaps keep a reflective journal to document their thoughts to the guiding questions posed below as they work through their assignment/practicum to inform, and deepen individuals' leadership practice.

Reflection Question and Criteria 

How has the professional learning from the module or practicum had an impact on your leadership actions in relation to reducing barriers for students with special education needs and disability within the areas of equity, anti-oppression and anti-colonial environments, inclusion, accessibility and full participation of students?

Through the OPC learning opportunity that I recently participated in…

  •  I have considered the content and relevance of my learning in connection to students receiving special education programs and/or services by…

  • Actions I will take include…

Your learning reflection from your PDC module or PQP practicum proposal must demonstrate evidence in each of the following areas.    

  • Equity, Anti-oppressive and Anti-colonial environments

  • Inclusion

  • Accessibility

  • Participation

The bullets below are reflective questions for consideration; however, it is not necessary to have all boxes checked within the areas.

Equity, Anti-oppressive and Anti-colonial Environments

  • How have you considered the content and relevance of your assignment/practicum to students receiving special education programs/services or with disabilities? (e.g., resources and materials that are culturally relevant and having a variety of perspectives).

  • How have you incorporated anti-colonial perspectives in support of Truth and Reconciliation in your assignment/practicum?

  • How have you considered the leadership actions for your practicum to bring about institutional change for students with special education needs? What specific data analysis is built into the practicum related to supporting students with disability and/or special education needs? Does this assignment/practicum achieve that, why or why not? Does it ask questions that challenge the status quo and/or critical consciousness of staff and/or yourself? 

  • Have you given consideration to the intersectionality of equity and special education, identities, lived experiences and special education, critical disabilities and special education? Are any of these embedded in your assignment/practicum?

  • How have you considered the identities and lived experiences of those impacted by your assignment/practicum? What do you know about intersections of identities? Who are the partners needed to build the knowledge necessary about the identities impacted by your assignment/practicum?


  • How are students with special education needs and/or disabilities benefiting or not benefiting from your practicum/course? Why or why not?

  • How have you considered countering deficit perspective and practices? How are your beliefs about students influenced by “Norms”? What aspects of how we do school might not be in line with how students learn? What are the previous experiences of students that will help you better understand and serve students with special education needs or disabilities? 

  • How have you considered School Improvement Planning (SIP) through building relationships that honour community values and consider families and partners as experts in understanding children/students?


  • Has there been consideration about how different students are treated and organized in the school and how the system might be reinforcing societal inequities?

  • How are schools and learning experiences accessible to all? Have you considered the accessibility? (e.g., consider transportation, school events, open houses and student recognition events)

  • How has the assignment/practicum considered staff and students developing their critical consciousness and interrogating bias, racism and oppression with regards to accessibility?


  • Is there a culture of high expectations for student engagement, learning, achievement and well-being for all students as a result of your assignment/practicum?

  • Who are the students with special education needs and how do you know that they are engaged in their learning? What are students’ strengths and interests? How are they used in programming for students to promote access and participation? 

  • How has student voice been considered inside and outside of the class? How do we draw on the voices and realities of our students with special education needs to make responsive programming decisions catered to their needs? How will their voice be used to transform them from passive recipients into active participants in their education?

  • How are the needs of students with special education needs and disabilities being addressed within the classrooms and school? What evidence is there of the sharing of this information between school and home?

  • How have parents/guardians been considered as partners? How have you incorporated their input into decisions and direction particularly as it relates to the needs of their children (e.g., Individual Education Plan and Safety Plan consultation)

The moral imperative is to lead schools K-12, through a stance characterized by anti-oppressive and anti-colonial environments, accessibility and inclusion, and full participation. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of students with special education needs and disabilities.

Sample Reflection Question and Criteria Template  

How has the professional learning from the module or practicum had an impact on your leadership actions in relation to reducing barriers for students with special education needs and disability within the areas of equity, anti-oppression and anti-colonial environments, inclusion, accessibility and full participation of students?

Your learning reflection from your PDC module or PQP practicum proposal must demonstrate evidence in each of the following areas.

Through the OPC learning opportunity that I recently participated in…

Equity, Anti-oppressive and Anti-colonial environments

  • I have considered the content and relevance of my learning in connection to students receiving special education programs and/or services by…

  • Actions I will take around equity, and anti-oppressive and anti-colonial environments  include…


  • I have considered the content and relevance of my learning in connection to students receiving special education programs and/or services by…

  • Actions I will take around inclusion include…


  • I have considered the content and relevance of my learning in connection to students receiving special education programs and/or services by…

  • Actions I will take around accessibility include…


  • I have considered the content and relevance of my learning in connection to students receiving special education programs and/or services by…

  • Actions I will take around participation include…

Principal’s Development Course (PDC) Modules – Full Tuition/Reimbursement

Eligibility and Process

A candidate must

  • be either a practising principal or vice-principal with a minimum of two years experience to receive accreditation with OCT

  • have successfully completed the Principal's Qualification Program (PQP) Part 1 and 2

  • receive pre-approval from the OPC for each module*

  • register for the one or more PDC modules with the OPC within 30 days of your pre-approval and

  • complete an additional requirement within two-months of the module end date**

    • summative reflection with a focus on special education for school leaders that will be assessed to ensure focus on equity, accessibility, inclusion, and full participation of students with special education needs and students with disabilities

    • a clear connection to the module content

    • choice of format ensuring a minimum of 500 words or five-minutes for audio or video submissions and

    • submit assignment to Step 5 below

*each pre-approval is only a subsidy for one module; candidates can complete subsidy applications for more than one module

**not required for Module 11: Leading the Special Education Program

**only modules with a start date of January 27, 2025 or prior are eligible for this subsidy. Modules past this date are not eligible for this subsidy. 

How do I apply for and receive the subsidy?

 Step 1 - Pre-Approval 

 Step 2 - Register for the PDC

 Step 3 - Complete the PDC module

 Step 4 - Survey Submission

 Step 5 - Subsidy Application (upload additional assignment for assessment)

Reimbursement will automatically be provided if the assignment is approved or you will be contacted.

Contact with any questions.

Principal’s Qualification Program (PQP) Practicum – Partial Tuition/Reimbursement of $300

Eligibility and Process

  • This subsidy is available to PQP Part-1 candidates who registered with OPC for the program offered Summer 2022 to Fall 2024* (inclusive).

    • Note: Candidates registering for Spring 2025 are not eligible for this subsidy.
  • PQP Practicum Proposal:
    • A proposal must be completed and submitted to your course facilitator/instructor for initial assessment in accordance with the Practicum Handbook.
    • Note: If your practicum proposal has already been approved, you cannot change it to align with the criteria for this subsidy.
    • Your approved practicum proposal will be reviewed again once you submit for the subsidy to ensure alignment to special education for school leaders focusing on equity, accessibility, inclusion and full participation of students with special education needs and students with disabilities.
    • Please review the above Special Education for School Leaders Subsidy Criteria for full details.
  • Assignment
    • A summative reflection with a focus on special education for school leaders.
    • Parameters:
      • Your choice of format.
      • A maximum of 500 words or five-minutes for audio / video submissions.

How do I apply for and receive the subsidy?

Pre-approval must be obtained to ensure that funds are set aside:

Step 1 - Request Pre-approval (*this form closes January 18, 2025) 

Step 2 - Register and complete PQP Part-1

Step 3 - Apply for the Subsidy (Submit approved practicum proposal and assignment.)

Step 4 - Complete Survey

OPC will prepare your reimbursement once our Reviewer approves and you will be notified.

  • All subsidy requirements must be successfully completed by March 31, 2025. No extensions. OPC will not be able to fulfill applications after this date.
  • If you decide not to pursue this subsidy, please notify us so that funds may be released to someone else. 

Contact with any questions.

Special Education for Administrators Qualification Program (SEAQP) – Full Tuition/Reimbursement

Eligibility and Process

A candidate must

  • be either a practising principal or vice-principal or be registered in the Principal's Qualification Program (PQP) or have completed the PQP 1

  • register for the SEAQP with the OPC within 30 days of your pre-approval and

  • successfully complete the program. 

How do I apply for and receive the subsidy?

 Step 1 - Pre-Approval (Closed)

 Step 2 - Register for the SEAQP

 Step 3 - Complete the SEAQP

 Step 4 - Survey Submission

 Step 5 - Subsidy Application 

Contact with any questions.

Reimbursement Details

Subsidies will be administered for eligible candidates who have been pre-approved and are registered for a program starting after July 1, 2022. Candidates must pay in full for the registration fee. Subsidies will only be provided to those who are pre-approved and successfully complete the program and additional assignments as required. 

Funding for this initiative is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. 

All subsidy requirements must be successfully completed by March 31, 2025. No extensions will be granted. If the requirements are not met by the deadline, the principals’ association will not fulfill reimbursement for the subsidy application.


The OPC issues T22O2 receipts for eligible courses, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the candidate (taxpayer) to ensure that their taxes are filed in accordance with Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines and if you have any questions related to taxes, we recommend you contact an accountant or the CRA.